Portage, USA

Are you a little more George than Jerry? A little more Chewbacca than Han Solo? A little more Mini Me than Doctor Evil? Do you love being a team player, but don’t mind (or even prefer) fulfilling the role of trusty sidekick, loyal friend, behind-the-scenes hustler who gets. stuff. done.? Have you ever described yourself as a “jack of all trades” and get bored doing the same thing day in and day out? If you read this far and thought “man, I’d really love to work with these people, but I’m not really sure where I’d fit” - we’ve gotchu covered.

We’re looking to add a few solid, dependable, “do it all” kinda folks to our team. From washing dishes to running food, changing kegs to helping on brew day, seating guests to clearing tables - we need manpower and ladypower. We’ve got room for a few people who may not have serving experience, but are ready to roll up their sleeves and be a part of the team in a variety of places.

Responsibilities will include things mentioned above, and probably random stuff we just don’t know yet. We’re new here, cut us a break okay? We just know we’ll need good people, and if you’re good people, then let’s chat.